Abbotsford Fire & Smoke Damage Restoration

Nobody wants to experience a fire at home or at work. While the fire alone can be quite traumatic, it's not the only part of the problem. There's a big list of items that must to be handled to get a property cleaned and restored to its previous appearance. Want to recover from commercial or residential fire and smoke damage quickly and with minimum fuss? Call Paul Davis Fraser Valley.

Whether the fire damage only occurred in one room or has affected your entire property, we can assist with reconstructing your property. It begins with water removal, cleaning soot, removing debris, and structural stabilization. Next, we'll remove odours and repair smoke damage. Paul Davis Fraser Valley will then rebuild your home or office to guarantee it's safe and liveable.

The restoration services at Paul Davis Fraser Valley aren't restricted to just buildings. We also have a contents cleaning service that can restore many of your fire-damaged belongings. This process utilizes the latest washing technology to clean your clothing and linens. This also let us provide you with an emergency supply of these items within two days. For electronics, jewellery, and other "hard" items, we can use ultrasonic cleaning technology. We also may be able to clean items you may believe to be beyond repair, such as documents, artwork, and photos.

If an emergency happens to you, remember “Paul Cares.” We're ready to quickly respond to calls on behalf of our Abbotsford neighbours.

Call Paul Davis Fraser Valley to stabilize your home, mitigate further damage and to get an immediate fire care package.